Fundraising Coaching


There are a lot of ways that we might characterize the work we do at Responsive Fundraising; however, we are all coaches at heart. We are not self-proclaimed gurus who insist on one best way and; rather than having all the answers, we want to be admired for asking the right questions. As coaches, we know that staying the course often means having someone who will provide you with critically important encouragement and accountability. We want to help you discover new ways of thinking, assist you in surfacing limiting beliefs and assumptions, and ensure that you have the confidence to reinvent yourself and your team.

The missing link in most fundraising strategies is the oversight and direction needed to ensure that fundraising professionals are meeting measurable and objective performance expectations. Using a variety of tools and communication channels, we provide a consistent coaching and oversight relationship to fundraising professionals with our key performance indicators framework as the centerpiece. The use of this framework is combined with twice-a-month coaching sessions, monthly performance assessments, and mid-year and annual evaluations. This coaching and oversight relationship is often utilized by our clients as a strategic layer of supervision and accountability between the executive and the fundraising professional. 

At Responsive Fundraising, our partner organizations are focused on the long-term implementation of a holistic, meaningful and sustainable approach to fundraising. As your coach, this means we have to stand close to the field; get our hands dirty; and, with the hearts of explorers, be confident in helping you navigate uncharted territory.

To request a detailed proposal of what this engagement looks like, or to request a customized proposal, please request a proposal.