297 | How many job descriptions will dramatically change in our post-pandemic world?
297 | How many job descriptions will dramatically change in our post-pandemic world?
The Fundraising Talent Podcast, a production of Responsive Fundraising
How many job descriptions will dramatically change in our post-pandemic world? This is the essence of the conversation I had with Brent, founder of Evertrue who, like myself, never shies from the opportunity to provoke a conversation about what might take our fundraising efforts to another level. During today’s conversation on The Fundraising Talent Podcast, Brent pointed out that we were all reminded very quickly that meaningful conversations with our donors don’t necessarily require a plane ticket and a stay at the Holiday Inn. This awakening among boards and bosses could arguably have the effect of redefining a lot of jobs for a lot of fundraisers.
What is especially thought-provoking about today’s conversation is the notion that the pandemic has afforded an entire new cohort of fundraisers the opportunity to experience what academics are now calling perceived proximity - the sense that we are in the same room with someone who could literally be on the other side of the world. This perceived proximity could be what’s necessary to move large numbers of donors towards more meaningful levels of support. Brent and I shared the observation that some opportunities simply won’t budge beyond a certain point when all they’re counting on is an arms-length approach.
As always, we are especially grateful to our friends at CueBack for sponsoring The Fundraising Talent Podcast. If you’d like to learn more about hosting the Responsive Fundraising roadshow in your local community, email me for more information. And, if you’d like to download Responsive’s latest edition of Carefully & Critically, just click here.
As always, we are grateful to CueBack for sponsoring The Fundraising Talent Podcast.