268 | Does fundraising need to get better at receiving the gift?
268 | Does fundraising need to get better at receiving the gift?
The Fundraising Talent Podcast, a production of Responsive Fundraising
In her more than 30 years of fundraising, Penny has observed that the money has become increasingly more important than the donor's giving experience. I would venture to say that the same has become true for fundraisers. Arguably, donor attrition and turnover are merely two sides of the same coin. We have allowed the experiences of giving and receiving to take a back seat. To remedy this, Penny’s consultancy prioritizes renewing the support of current donors and ensuring a genuine human-to-human interaction that ultimately means a more meaningful experience for those on either side of the exchange.
What was particularly thought provoking during today’s podcast conversation with Penny was her observation that fundraisers have become quite adept at asking but not so much at receiving. Today’s conversation raises the question of whether we have deliberately designed systems that ensure a high volume of asking without necessarily creating the most meaningful opportunities to receive. Penny had me wondering whether this offers some insight into our poor renewal rates; renewing a gift often begins with receiving the previous gift well. Receiving well often changes the nature of the relationship.
As always, we are grateful to our friends at CueBack for sponsoring the Fundraising Talent Podcast. And, if you’d like to learn more about hosting the Responsive Fundraising Roadshow in your community, email me at jason@responsivefundraising.com
Reminder, you can download Responsive’s latest edition of Carefully & Critically here.
As always, we are grateful to CueBack for sponsoring The Fundraising Talent Podcast.