#102 | Are nonprofits playing games with our career aspirations?


Lauren has once again given our listeners some great insights and ideas about how we should be thinking about leadership transition in the nonprofit sector. She began with an acknowledgment of Gen X leaders who have shown themselves to be flexible and aware of the expectations that young people have in today’s workplace. We also discussed how professional advancement has historically played out like a game in which leaders were discouraged from showing their cards and refused to have open conversations about the future. I agree with Lauren that fluid, ongoing conversations insure a more healthy environment in which to work. 

Lauren remarks raise the question of whether nonprofits should ever be accused of playing games with someone’s career aspirations. Regardless of where we find ourselves in the organization and even on the chance that it’s time for someone to move on, consistent, straightforward and honest conversations are always best.

As a reminder, today’s conversation is one of ten that we’re having this week on The Fundraising Talent Podcast about leadership transition in the nonprofit sector. If you'd like to know more about Responsive Fundraising, please go to our website @ www.responsivefundraising.com

podcastJason Lewis