#85 | Are you a “How Am I Doing” fundraiser?

I was very grateful when Holly reached out to me after reading my book and suggested that we talk about the three fundraising personalities that I described in The War for Fundraising Talent. Holly introduces herself as someone who fell in love with fundraising in college and believes the profession offers a significant opportunity to young professionals.

Holly, like myself, describes herself as the How Am I Doing motive type which is consistent with those individuals who have a high implicit need for achievement. Everything that Holly shared about herself is consistent with the How Am I Doing personality, and I suspect the opportunities and challenges she routinely encounters in her work align with this motive-type.

I’m very grateful to Ian for introducing me to Holly and I’m looking forward to being with both of them in February to talk about my forthcoming book.

If you’d like to register for the next stop on the How Fundraising Really Works roadshow, click here.

Jason Lewis