#110 | How can we prevent fundraising from being an emotional roller coaster?


Earlier this year Angee reached out to me to see if the Toronto stop of our seminar would be timely professional development opportunity for her. After the exchange of some messages, I managed to convince her to register; and I was delighted to hear that she very much appreciated her experience. In this podcast conversation, Angee shares that the three lanes framework afforded her a resource for aligning her board with a shared understanding of how fundraising really works. Also, as is always my hope, the concepts have become her own; and she has found ways to interpret them through the lens of her own experiences as a runner.

The second half of our conversation proved very thought provoking - contemplating the extent to which special events and other lane one activities inadvertently leave the organizers discouraged, lonely and eager for another emotional high. Angee shared how she coached a new member of her team to brace herself for the post-special event blues that settle in. Angee’s remarks shed light on why the turnover might be particularly high in roles that have to reckon with the roller coaster ride of emotions that come with special events, campaigns and other annual rituals.

If you'd like to know more about Responsive Fundraising, go to our website at www.responsivefundraising.com

podcastJason Lewis