#82 | What do veteran fundraisers most want for aspiring, young professionals?

Last week I had the pleasure of connecting with Lisa Pieper and Mary Donahue - two very friendly, highly-energetic and enthusiastic woman who, like myself, have found much meaning and purpose in their fundraising careers.

Lisa and Mary are two of the organizers of Fundraising Day Wisconsin where I will have the privilege of speaking in a few weeks. After we answered last week’s question of what sometimes drives us crazy, this week we shifted gears to what we most wanted for aspiring young professionals when they attend professional development events.

The three of us agreed that what we most want for young professionals are opportunities to shape and inform their philosophy of fundraising. We agreed that we want opportunities for them to engage with speakers who have been in the trenches and who will have meaningful conversations with them.

If you’re in the Midwest or have some airline miles to burn, we would love to have you join us later this month for Fundraising Day Wisconsin. The event is Thursday, August 22nd in Milwaukee. For more information, go to www.fundraisingdaywi.com

If you’d like to download my four frameworks, just go to my toolbox.

Jason Lewis