245 | Did the pandemic give our donors an opportunity to up their game as well?
245 | Did the pandemic give our donors an opportunity to up their game as well?
The Fundraising Talent Podcast, a production of Responsive Fundraising
Burt is one of a several of leaders who have described their team as being at the top of their game in last year, and as a result, their organizations have not suffered financially as some may have thought they would. In addition to these strong reports, I believe that there might be another side to the story; perhaps while we were all on our best behavior, our donor communities were as well. Not only am I hearing that our donors were especially generous with their support but they apparently picked up and returned phone calls, and they afforded those of us on the receiving end a level of engagement that we may not have experienced before. I bet this translates into far more meaningful work than what some of us are accustomed to.
Being familiar with the rescue missions, I was grateful for this opportunity to hear how Burt and his team navigated the pandemic. As we wrapped up, Burt insisted that even in the midst of what was a very difficult time for a lot of us, now wasn’t the time for anyone to appear tone deaf. I suspect much good will emerge from how Burt and his team carefully navigated an unpredictable year.
As always, we are grateful to our friends at CueBack for their support of The Fundraising Talent Podcast. Reminder, you can download Responsive’s latest edition of Carefully & Critically here.
As always, we are grateful to CueBack for sponsoring The Fundraising Talent Podcast.