#107 | Do nonprofit leaders know when the time is right for retirement?

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It’s not often that I have the pleasure of following up a podcast recording with an on-site tour; however, my recent business in Indianapolis afforded me just such an opportunity. Janice is the retiring ED at The Indiana Milkbank, and she was more than happy to share her transition experience as part of our Thanksgiving series about leadership transition in the nonprofit sector.

While Janice is certain that the timing is right, and looks forward to opportunities that await her in this next phase of life, she was also very upfront about the difficulty of transition and her worries about whether the time she has with new ED will be enough to ensure continuity for the staff.

She is evidently enthusiastic about her successor and feels this individual will bring new strengths to the organization. Whereas Janice is a strong administrative and operational leader, the new ED has been recognized as a strong fundraiser capable of casting a bigger, broader vision for the organization in the future.

I appreciated that Janice knows the timing is right, that she intends to limit her involvement with the organization for the sake of the new leader, and that she has already identified volunteer opportunities where she can continue to be an asset to the community.

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podcastJason Lewis