#106 | Do nonproft leaders have enough margin for mentoring younger talent?


I always enjoy a conversation with someone who is thoughtful, has a great sense of humor, and is quick to share what they have learned from their past mistakes. My recent conversation with Noah was a continuation of our Thanksgiving series about leadership transition, and his insights did not disappoint.

Noah began by suggesting that it’s important that we acknowledge the hard work that precious generations have created for us and that we not overlook how their efforts may be significantly contributing our current success. He also noted that while the marketplace only seems to appreciate quick, easy-to-digest nuggets of information, we can count on our senior leaders to be wise and discerning. 

Two of Noah’s observations really had me thinking: whether today’s senior nonprofit leaders have enough margin in the day for mentoring younger leaders, and, similarly, whether young aspiring leaders have the patience for being the beneficiaries of such opportunities.

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podcastJason Lewis