#79 | Are CEO’s and consultants getting in the way of fundraising talent?

It’s always helpful to test some of my beliefs and assumptions with my podcast guests. I was grateful that Judi North and I were able to compare notes on how CEO’s and consultants can get in the way of their talented fundraising staff. Judi has enjoyed experiences where both her boss and consultant provided support and encouragement without creating interference in the process that she was accountable for.

I’m of the opinion that as the profession continues to mature, so must the roles of those who rely on fundraisers to be at their best. Rather than getting in the way, the CEO and consultant should always be looking for opportunities to elevate the expertise and experience of the fundraiser. For example, CEO’s are wise to share leadership with their chief fundraiser and learn how to relinquish control of fundraising decisions. Similarly, many of the tactical responsibilities that consultants have historically provided are increasingly within the scope of what a highly trained and permanent employee can be expected to deliver on.

Rather than resist change, CEO’s and consultants should experiment with new postures to ensure everyone is contributing in meaningful and effective ways. This evolution of roles is understandably messy, however it is essential for advancing our causes.

If you’d like to be a guest on The Fundraising Talent Podcast, email Jason@lewisfundraising.com

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Jason Lewis