#80 | Can flexible work environments fix some of fundraising’s turnover problems?

My wish for every nonprofit on the planet, large and small, is that they would enlist someone like Angeline who has a singular focus on ensuring meaningful relationships with their donors. As some organizations have discovered, such deliberate focus can sometimes only be accomplished by experimenting with flexible work environments.

Unlike most of the organizations that I’m familiar with, Angeline’s employer has agreed to allow her to work remotely from a home office which has also allowed her to relocate closer to a large international airport. It was evident in our conversation that this posture has enhanced her productivity. She has become better at self-management and developed better organizational skills.

Particularly encouraging is her apparent  loyalty to and enthusiasm for her job. This raises the question of whether working remotely or utilizing some other flexible work arrangement may be an essential ingredient in resolving many of our profession’s turnover challenges. 

As a reminder, our first fall stop on the How Fundraising Really Works roadshow is Thursday, October 10th at The Gateway School in New York City. For more information, go to www.lewisfundraising.com/events


Jason Lewis