#100 | How can a shared purpose become the bridge between the generations?


Kay describes leadership transition and the five generations in our workplace as her favorite topic of conversation. What I most appreciated about our conversation was that she patiently kept up with my questions, despite my being choppy at times, and she allowed me to contemplate some observations about myself that relate to my own biases and assumptions about particular generations.

As a facilitator of meaningful conversations between different groups, Kay has discovered that rather than holding our differences against each other, and allowing it to become a place for confusion and misunderstanding, let’s see ourselves as individuals with unique strengths that we can collectively bring to the table. All generations, regardless of their differences, have an innate desire for purpose, and that purpose can become the bridge builder between any two individuals.

Kay Coughlin is on a mission to help iGens/Zs, Millennials, Gen X-ers and Boomers (and Traditionalists, too!) work together on teams that are higher-performing and happier.Kay’s “Overcoming the Myths: Leading Across Generations” and Great Teams on Purpose Leadership Lab help leaders and managers build amazing intergenerational teams. Her keynote address, “Top Myths of Leading Generations,” helps teams become abundantly successful, together. Be sure to check out her website at https://facilitatoronfire.net/

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podcastJason Lewis