#99 | Are we in denial about inevitable leadership changes in our sector?


I was delighted to kick off, with Paul, the first of ten discussions this week about leadership transition in the nonprofit sector. Most of his insights raised the question of whether nonprofits are in denial about inevitable leadership changes on the horizon. Paul believes that a lot of our discussions about readiness for change comes down to ego. For example, how many young leaders are asking themselves whether they are really ready; and, likewise, how many senior leaders are contemplating whether it’s time to get out of the way? Paul reminds us that we will all need to come to terms with our own mortality eventually and that younger generations always assume they’ve got a better handle on the newer, faster ways of doing things.

Paul Yeghiayan leads the DC team at Copley Raff with his more than 20 years of small business development, nonprofit management, and frontline fundraising experience. Since 1987, Copley Raff has provided effective and individually tailored management and advancement consulting, aspirational strategic planning, campaign readiness planning, management services, and executive leadership searches to hundreds of organizations.

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podcastJason Lewis