#98 | Is fundraising an ideal career path for me after graduation?


My conversation with Lansing was the first podcast conversation that we have had with a college student who is considering a career in fundraising after graduation. Lansing’s experiences have already given her some perspective of what a fundraising career might look like. I’m quite confident many organizations could benefit from her interdisciplinary studies at LSU, her experience forming a 501(c)(3), as well as the lessons she’s learned organizing successful special events. Lansing is an example of the rising generation of fundraising professionals who are entering the nonprofit sector much more deliberately, with much greater enthusiasm, and greater clarity about how fundraising really works.

I encouraged Lansing to connect with the advancement office at LSU and to inquire about any opportunities that might be available to her now or in the future to utilize the skills that she has already begun to acquire. I also encouraged her to contemplate whether her interests in fundraising are to convene new relationships in which the margin on every dollar must necessarily take a backseat or those opportunities where the margin on every dollar raised can be quite significant. I hope that after our conversation, Lansing was encouraged and will continue to ponder just where the fundraising profession could take her.

podcastJason Lewis