Posts tagged nonprofits
#50 | Why are men still ruling so many of fundraising’s C-Suites?

This afternoon at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, I had the pleasure of connecting with Tycely Williams, VP of Development at the YWCA USA and Chair of AFP’s Women’s Impact Initiative. Along with colleagues Linda Lysakowski and Suzy Hart, Tycely is encouraging fundraisers to ask why, in the age of Wonder Woman, are men still ruling so many of fundraising’s C-Suites?

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#49 | What is the data really telling you about what's right (and wrong) with your fundraising?

This afternoon at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, Clay Buck encouraged fundraisers to use their data in order to discern what’s really right (and wrong) with their fundraising. While recognizing that experts are generally right about what’s not working on a macro level, Clay believes it’s important that organizations understand their own unique problems.

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# 48 | Should fundraising professionals be talking about mental health?

This afternoon at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, Ian Adair and colleagues Leah Eustace, Ligia Pena, and David Chow talked about what is often an ignored subject in our sector: mental health. Without the intent to provide expert advice, Ian explained that their group wanted to create a place at this year’s AFP conference where they could share their own stories and encourage others to begin sharing their experiences as well.

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# 47 | What's getting in the way of your fundraising career, and what you can do about it?

This afternoon at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, Mazarine Treyz, author of Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide, is helping discouraged fundraising professionals answer the difficult questions of why their fundraising career might not be going anywhere and what they can do about it. Mazarine insists the barriers to your next interview are not your lack of a CFRE or masters degree.

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#46 | How do we stop board members from running away when they hear "fundraising”?

This afternoon at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, Lori Jacobwith and Gail Perry presented to a room full of anxious fundraisers who wanted to know exactly how to stop their board members from running away when they hear the word fundraising. Lori and Gail’s solution; teach them how to be better story-tellers.

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# 45 | Have you ever had one of those "You Didn't Say That" moments in fundraising?

This morning at AFP ICON 2019 in San Antonio, Barbara Talisman and her colleagues Keri Kae Almstead, Antonia Makkar, Clay Buck, and Ken Miller, facilitated a conversation about those sometimes awkward and uncomfortable moments when your immediate reaction is, You Didn’t Say That? Barbara shared one such example from last year’s conference when an insecure fundraiser apparently suggested that fundraising was a dirty word.

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